Heights of Jupiter Meeting - Thursday, November 8, 2018
Board members present - Karen Farrugga, Betty Wolpert, Kay Heisler and Kate Pokorny
A. 7:01 PM - Meeting called to order
B. Welcome and introductions
C. Need Name Tags for next event
D. Minutes from last meeting approved
E. Treasurer not present to do a treasurer update
F. Heights Blvd. to be repaved early next year
G. Benches and trash cans have been put out on Heights Blvd.
H. Police department update
a. Dec. 13 is the next Coffee with a Cop - come to get police update and talk with police officers
b. Cops, teen and talk - talking to teens Nov. 14 is next meeting
c. If going to the dog park, please make sure to secure your vehicle
d. No car or home burglaries reported in last three months
e. A couple of bikes stolen
f. Police to possibly bring trash cans to the Heights for next Halloween
g. High number of law enforcement were at the Heights for Halloween
h. Community Crime map information handout was available at the meeting
i. Asking Code department if parking on the Heights Blvd. on Halloween is allowed
j. On Halloween, any vandalized property should be reported to police
k. 561-790-4445 is the non-emergency police department number
I. Website is up and running
a. www.heightsofjupiter.com
b. Numbers, board of directors, etc are already on that page
c. Free website. We have web domain name for 10 years
J. If you cleaned up trash from Halloween, please email Karen how long you were out there. She just needs name, street you live on and number of hours you worked on it. Her email is farruggia@kravis.com. The hours will go to in-kind for our grant.
K. Resident discussed the issue of people not stopping at the crosswalk between Lauderdale and Drake when people are trying to cross the road
a. People are running through Stop signs
b. More messaging about bikes needing to stop at stop signs and people stopping for crosswalk
c. Possible idea: A speed limit sign with a speed measure underneath that will flash. They may be solar powered
L. Betty Wolpert has been in touch FPL about our power glitch issues
a. FPL is putting the power lines underground for another neighborhood for free as part of a pilot program. The ultimate goal is to have all the power lines in south Florida underground.
b. They are looking at our data and seeing where we would be on the list to have this done. Won’t be right away
c. FPL has a program with the goal of all the power going underground in South Florida to help reduce the effects of storms
d. Our local Delivery Assurance Lead (DAL) is Ben Richardson. He will be the best contact when you have a light flicker or any issue. His number is 561-616-1747
M. We will be getting street lights on Heights Blvd. (6 more lights coming) - supposed to be at the end of this year
N. Park Improvements needed
a. Our park is on the list to be refurbished in 2020
b. We need a park committee to talk about what the park needs
c. Go to other parks and come up with ideas of what we would want to have in the park - we will go to the Town with our recommendations
d. Possible idea - access to power so we could have events
e. Let Betty know if you would like to be on this committee. Her email is bettywolpert@gmail.com
O. Changing the meeting date?
a. Karen Farruggia will be looking at having a meeting at the Abacoa Community Park and on a different day of the week so more people can come
P. Looking for speaker/PA system to use at the Community Park for events
Q. We have been unable to locate our Treasurer. Hasn’t been at more than three consecutive meetings which qualifies her to be off the board
R. Jupiter Jubilee is on Saturday, February 2 at the Abacoa Community Park
S. Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM
Addendum to 11/8/2018 minutes-by a unanimous special vote by the Board, Fe Orbigoso, former Treasurer has been replaced by Ruth Beaumont. Changes filed with State of Florida Department of Corporations to amend our Annual Report on Sunbiz 1/10/2019.