May 14, 2019
Heights of Jupiter Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 14, 2019
Board members in attendance: Karen Farruggia, Kate Porkoney
A. Call to order - 7:05 pm
B. Introductions
C. Minutes Approved
D. Front sign was pressure washed and painted by the Johnsons
E. Repaving being done currently and should be done by the end of this week (May 17)
F. Great American Cleanup on April 27
a. 8 people cleaned in the Heights
b. Collected 35 lbs of trash
c. Found things like half-empty Paint Cans, a plastic kids chair and 42 bags of dog poop
G. 5th annual Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success and had over 75 kids
H. Dog Waste Stations to be put in soon by kind neighbors (4 will go up on Heights Boulevard)
I. Heights Park Equipment to be updated in 2022
a. $100,000 budget for the park
b. Has permission this year to add exercise equipment to our park
c. Betty Wolpert is working with a committee to come up with equipment ideas for our park. If you are interested in the committee, please contact Betty at
J. Website is
a. No vehicle burglaries in last three months
b. Have had a bunch of car burglaries in Abacoa recently, all cars had a fob inside the vehicle
c. All of recent burglaries have ended in arrest
L. Events committee
a. We would have to pay for a movie night ourselves, Town will not be able to help financially. It would cost about $1,500 to $2,000 to put on the event
M. Finance report -
a. Our current balance is $3,095.72
b. Starting to spend our grant money
c. Send in volunteer hours to Karen They count as in-kind money for the grant with the Town
N. Code
a. 189 cases for code in last three months
b. 65 Boat violations
c. Four officers for 70,000 people. Code is short staffed
O. If you have any comments you would like to tell Town Council officials, you can do public comment on the first and third Tuesday of each month or you can email all of town council at
P. Cat Mitil has agreed to be our web administrator. You can now find our minutes, phone numbers and Heights Happenings on our web page
Q. Next meeting is set for August 20 at 7 pm