August 20, 2019
Heights of Jupiter Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Tuesday May 20, 2019
Board members in attendance: Karen Farruggia, Betty Wolpert, and Ruth Beaumont
A. Call to order – 7:10 pm
B. Introductions
C. Code Enforcement Report: 159 cases in last three months
D. Police Report: Suspicious Behavior = 24, Burglaries = 2 ( 1 vehicle, 1 home)
E. Discussion about rocks not allowed in swales.
F. Minutes Approved: Karen Farruggia motioned and Ruth Beaumont seconded
G. Karen Farruggia gave a report on grant additions to the Heights.
H. Ruth Beaumont gave treasurer’s report = $4,185.28.
I. Cat Mitil, Volunteer Coordinator with Emily Flynn, Events Coordinator, gave a report on activities being planned.
a. Block Party – Sunday August 25 in the park.
J. Working on a fundraiser with Blaze Pizza to raise money next month. One specific night each month we are hoping to have restaurant/pizza fundraiser to support future events in the community.
K. Julie Mitchell: refillable water station will be going in at the park.
L. Karen Farruggia: Discussion in regard to 65 trees being put along Heights Blvd. Watering them is the expensive issue. Tree purchase and watering would be Heights responsibility to pay for.
Maintenance of trees would be Town of Jupiter’s responsibility if they agree. Motion made by Karen Farruggia to move forward with Brian Hopper getting an estimate of cost. Ruth Beaumont seconded.
M. Julie Mitchell: 10 lights coming to Heights Blvd. FPL will be installing them and Town of Jupiter will pay the electric bill each month
N. Discussion: Community Park’s 2022 renovation:
a. Getting some used exercise equipment from TOJ walking trail where renovation is going on.
b. Cat Mitil making a survey for opinions on improvements.
c. Parking
d. Red clay
e. Sidewalk inside gated area.
f. Cannot have bathrooms, lights, dogs or a swimming pool.
O. Betty Wolpert: Bookmobile planning to be at the park soon on Thursdays.
P. Kay Heisler: Invited members to sign up as either a coordinator or a donor for the Palm Beach County Food Project and handed out literature.
Q. Julie Mitchell: “Backyard Growing” seminar planned for September 12, 2019.
R. Discussion in regard to speed bumps and underground powerlines. FPL is planning to put all power lines underground but, it will be quite a while before this happens (years)
S. Next meeting is set for Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
T. Meeting Adjourned 8:31 pm (Karen Farruggia motioned and Ruth Beaumont seconded)
Respectfully submitted by Kay Heisler substituting for Kate Pokorny