Heights of Jupiter Meeting - August 2, 2018
A. Call to order - 7:02 PM
B. Minutes from last meeting approved
C. We have $49 less in our account since May. We have just over $4,000 total in the account.
D. We did get the matching grant from Town of Jupiter. We are doing $2,500 and Town is doing half
a. Sign update (electrical and other updates)
To have Sabel Palms put in would be $4,000 along Heights Blvd. We want to use the money we planned to use for the trees to fix the electrical on the front sign instead. The lights are currently out. Motion to use the money for the the electrical passed.
b. Includes dog waste stations
c. Town is putting benches in along Heights Blvd. We are putting the waste stations next to those. We are waiting for the concrete contractors to lay the concrete down. They are working on the Town’s campus currently and haven’t made it to the neighborhood yet.
d. Code update from Robin Hood
210 violations since May 10
Fence violations are down from last time
E. Crime Analyst
a. Crime mapping tool located online on Jupiter Police Department website
b. There will be a presentation at the November meeting
F. Police Update
a. New Neighborhood Enhancement Officer Diana Zeitz. Her email is 1172@jupiter.fl.us
b. Someone was in someone’s backyard
c. No residential burglaries since May
d. In July there were vehicle burglaries (July 20 car was burglarized and gun was stolen)
e. This week, we had two vehicle burglaries on Mullin and the vehicle was stolen - police were called and pursued the suspects
f. Make sure to lock your car and bring in your valuables
g. They are doing overnight burglary operations in our neighborhood
h. Tuesday August 7 is National Night Out
Trolley will pick up at Frederick Small and Heights to transport people to the event at Downtown Abacoa
i. Coffee with a Cop is August 9 at 9 am in the morning. We have a new Chief of Police. Deputy Chief is now the Chief of Police for the Town
j. Cops with Teens program will start on September 12 at 3:30 pm right after school at community center. Targeting high schoolers
G. Elections
a. Chairman of the Board - Karen Farruggia
b. Vice Chair position is open – by unanimous vote, Betty Wolpert is our new Vice Chair
c. Treasurer - Fe Orbigoso
d. Secretary - Kate Pokorny
e. Activities Coordinator - No one nominated and no volunteers at meeting
H. Upcoming event Movie Night
a. Need a couple helpers or an event coordinator to make this event happen-we have over 1400 homes in our community. Contact Karen Farruggia at faruggia@kravis.org if you’d like more info
b. We have once a year food trucks at the park (charge the food trucks $50)
c. Need someone to put out cones so no one parks in neighbors yards around the park
d. Someone to head the arts and craft area
e. And need a generator for lights by the arts and crafts
f. Movie night would be in November
g. If we don’t get any volunteers, Movie Night will be moved to a later date
I. HOJ “Lovin’ Life in the Heights” Stickers available $5. See Karen if interested.
J. Try to clear out the canals 6 times a year (behind this year and may only get 5 times a year)
a. Letter will go out to announce meeting for elections to the board for those who control the canal (meeting may be in September)
K. Heights Blvd needs to be repaved
a. Julie from the Town to find out the paving schedule
Meeting adjourned 8:25 pm
Next Meeting, November 8th at the park