Friends of Jupiter Heights meeting - February 13, 2019
Call to order - 7:03 PM
Minutes approved
Bench is facing the road and will stay facing the road
They will be repaving Heights Blvd. Measurements are done but no date yet for when work will happen
We moved banks from Wells Fargo to PNC to prevent fees. $4,133.51 in the bank currently
Entrance sign enhancements – Residents have agreed to pressure wash the entrance sign. We can buy the paint and Vickie Richmond-Johnson and family will paint the sign
Now looking to order the dog waste stations. Going to be located near benches and trash cans along Heights Blvd. These will have bags and will have to have volunteers replace bags periodically.
Should there be some off of Marion have dog poop station? Try on Heights first and then see if we should expand.
Event at the end of April - Neighborhood cleanup
Karen has the contact information.
Last year picked up a ton of trash in the park
Need someone to be lead to identify locations, date and time for the pickup as well as post on social media-Ruth Beaumont has agreed to do this
Got $2,800 matching grant from Town of Jupiter. Ours can be in kind. We have a set rate for hours. This grant included waste stations, cleaning up, and sable palms. There are no palms from Frederick Small to Leslie. The plants are too expensive so that aspect would not happen this year
Do an adopt a tree program to help make the palms happen, there would be a little plaque in turn for payment
Submit tree types to Julie for approval
PD Update
Officer Zeitz - Our neighborhood reach out officer
35 disturbance calls
30 suspicious activity calls - helps PD find people in an action
None of those calls resulted in anything big
6 thefts - many were none
One reported christmas package
Blower stolen from lawn service
Couple stolen vehicles
Cars were unlocked
Crime tips to share with neighborhood
See something, say something
Don’t delay the phone call
Work a nightly safety check routine (check car for valuables and make sure it is locked up and make sure house is locked up)
Something like ring, ring app is free (useful information)
If crime committed, please report even if you don’t want to press charges
We have a community crime map - shows crime that has happened in the area
Cops and Teens talk - every second Wednesday after high school lets out
Speeding issue on Marion is a problem. Working on including the patrol having that in the list for them. If speeders are there, always call. To complain about the traffic calming, please talk to the engineer department. Can voice your opinion at Town Council meeting as well
5th Easter Egg Hunt
We have 2,600 empty eggs
April 20, 2019
We need candy for this event - no chocolate
You can stop by Karen’s house, get eggs to fill
Or you can contribute financially
Amazon wish list for the Heights has been set up and you can purchase candy to be sent directly to chairman so we get begin filling eggs
Postcard or letter to every resident asking for a donation
Do the entrance sign and then send to show we are doing things
We can set up a fund page on our website so people could donate online
Ruth has looked at us becoming a 501c3 Non-Profit
We would have to file taxes every year
Division of forestry has a great grant that would pay for plants
Right now the cost of becoming the non-profit 501c3 doesn’t make sense
Our park is set for renovations in 2020
Looking to make a committee for the parks
Shoe project
Shoe collection group. Looking for slightly used shoes for kids and adults. Looking to do it in the community
Palm Beach County Food Project update
Street Lights - FPL has committed to putting in 10 lights on Heights Blvd. They do this based on necessity and needs.
Betty Wolpert starting a petition to get this going and Julie will find contact
Meeting Location and day of the week
Abacoa Community Park on second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm
May 14, 2019 is the next meeting
Need six signs for the neighborhood-Town will make them for us
Adjourn - 8:21 PM